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Get involved?

Bi an sàs anns a' phroisect

A bheil sibh ag iarraidh pàirt a ghabhail? Ma tha sibh a’ fuireach    air taobh siar Leòdhais (Port Nis a dh’Ùig) tha Màiri ag iarraidh cluinntinn bhuaibh! Cha leig sibh a leas Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn  airson pàirt a ghabhail, feumaidh sibh dìreach a bhi a’ fuireach an seo an-dràsta. Tha fàilte air gach sgeulachd o duine gach aois.

Thig Màiri a chèilidh oirbh (le a seacaid-uisge agus a tearmas!)  Fhad ’s a tha sibh a’ bruidhinn, bheir Màiri pìos criadha dhuibh airson a chumail agus cruthan a dhèanamh leis, mar phàirt dha    na cruth-ealainan choimhearsneachd. 

Want to take part? If you live on the West coast of Lewis (Port Ness   to Uig) Mairi wants to speak to you! You don’t have to be a Gaelic speaker to be involved, you just need to be living here at the moment- all stories, from all ages, will be welcome.

Mairi will have a short chat with you on your doorstep observing the rules for social distancing (with her own waterproofs and thermos!). During the chat, Mairi will give you a small piece of clay to hold and play with, which she will then take away and use as part of the community sculpture.

Mairi will be asking questions about yourself- what it’s like to live where you do, if you know any local stories about where you live, what ties you have to Gaelic language as a speaker (or as a Gaelic listener)! If it’s ok, Mairi will record the chat (she’s hopeless as spelling!) and she might use a recorded word or phrase or story on the website – if you don’t want to be recorded, that’s fine.

If you’d like to take part, or have any questions, please get in touch by completing the form below, or by emailing mairi here:

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Faighnichidh Màiri ceistean mu ur deidhinn- cò ris a tha e coltach a bhi a’ fuireach far a bheil sibh? Dè na ceangalan a th’agaibh ris a’ Ghàidhlig mar cuideigin ga bruidhinn (no ga h-èisteachd!) Ma tha e ceart gu leòr leibhse, clàraidh Màiri an dithis agaibh a’ bruidhinn (tha e nas fhasa dhith na sgrìobhadh!) agus ’s dòcha gum bi facal, seantans no sgeulachd air an làrach-lìn. Mur a h-eil sibh ag iarraidh a bhi air ur clàradh, tha sin ceart gu leòr cuideachd.

Ma tha sibh ag iarraidh pàirt a ghabhail no ma tha ceist sam bith agaibh lìonaibh an fhòirm gu h-ìosal no cuiribh post-dealain gu

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